Lab Guide

Estimated reading time: 13 minutes


These labs are offered as an introductory course on the Interject® Add-In for Microsoft Excel®. By following this guide, you will be learn how to use the Interject Add-in to create and modify reports in Excel. You will also learn features to customize your reports further and ways to interact between Interject and Excel to make your reports useful in a variety of situations. Finally, you will learn how to export these reports and distribute them.

Subscription Setup

In order to have the necessary requirements to go through the Lab Guide, a user needs to be subscribed to the "Training Demo" app. To request a subscription, contact us at Once subscribed, a user can access all the labs in this guide:

In addition, the Training Demo App grants a user access to all the Data Portals referenced in the labs. All the Data Portals in the Lab Guide use an API Data Connection. Therefore, no local database is necessary.

To setup the lab environment manually, see here.

Before You Begin

Before you begin your labs, you should familiarize yourself with some basic concepts that you will use throughout the labs:

Installing Interject

Logging In

Report Library Basics

Lab 1 : Real World Walkthroughs

This lab will give you an understanding of how the Interject Add-in can be used with Excel in real world scenarios. It will give you a meaning and purpose for the labs. For more overview, see Real-World Examples.

1.1 Customer Aging

Concepts : • Pulling Data • Filter Data • Drilling Data • Adding Notes • Updating Database by Saving Data • Adding a Field to a Table

1.2 Inventory Reports

Concepts : • Drilling Data via Hyperlink • Returning From Drilling

1.3 Financial Report

Concepts : • Collapsing and Expanding Groupings • Drill Data • Drill on a Journal Entry

Lab 2 : Modifying Reports

Sometimes it is easier to modify an existing report rather than creating a whole report from scratch. This lab will guide you through how to modify an existing report to accommodate your desired report. For more overview, see Modifying an Existing Report.

2.1 Basics of Report Formulas

Concepts : • Viewing the Hidden Interject Configuration Section • The Column Definitions Section • The Formatting Range Section • The Report Formulas Section • The Hidden Parameters and Notes Section

2.2 Lab Modify: Customer Aging

Concepts : • Entering Formulas • Understanding of How Interject Copies Formulas by Pulling Data

2.3 Lab Modify: Inventory Report

Concepts : • Entering Formulas • Understanding of How Interject Copies Formulas by Pulling Data • Adding a Column Definition • Freeze Panes via Interject Quick Tools

2.4 Lab Modify: Financial Report

Concepts : • Adding Columns to Expand Report • Modifying a Report

Lab 3 : Creating Reports

Interject can help build a report from scratch by using the Report Builder feature. This feature opens a template that you can further modify. For more overview, see Creating a Simple Report.

3.1 Lab Create: Customer Aging

Concepts : • Building a Report via Interject Report Builder • Copying Labels Into the Column Definitions • Moving a Column • Modifying the ReportRange Function • Setting up the jFreezePanes Function

3.2 Lab Create: Customer Orders

Concepts : • Building a Report via Interject Report Builder • Editing the Column Definitions • Editing the ReportRange Function • Adding Multiple Rows of Column Definitions

3.3 Lab Create: Inventory Fixed

Concepts : • Building a Report via Interject Report Builder • Editing the ReportFixed Function • Setting up a Run on Open

3.4 Lab Create: Inventory Variable Report

Concepts : • Editing the ReportVariable Function • Understanding of the Leftovers Section • How to Format the Appearance of Data

3.5 Lab Create: Financial Variable

Concepts : • Understanding Profit and Loss Report Notation • Building a Profit and Loss Report

3.6 Lab Create: Customer Aging Detail

Concepts : • Building a Report via Interject Report Builder • Editing the ReportRange Function • Adding Multiple Rows of Column Definitions • Adding Multiple Rows of Formatting • Editing the ReportVariable Function

Lab 4 : Drilling To Data

Interject contains a feature called Drill on Data. This feature allows the user to open up a detailed report on a targeted set of data. For more overview, see Drill Between Reports.

4.1 Lab Drill: Customer Aging

Concepts : • Building a Drill on Data

4.2 Lab Drill: Inventory Report

Concepts : • Building a Drill on Data • Creating Hyperlinks to Drill on Data

4.3 Lab Drill: Financial Report

Concepts : • Building a Drill on Data

4.4 Lab Drill: Drilling to a Separate Workbook

Concepts : • Drilling to a Separate Workbook • Uploading a Report to the Report Library • Adding a Drill Code

Lab 5 : Advanced Features

In this lab you will learn certain features that provide more flexibility to design user-friendly reports.

5.1 Lab Create: Hiding Rows & Columns

Concepts : • Hiding Certain Rows After Pulling Data

5.2 Lab Create: Advanced Row and Section Hiding

Concepts : • Hiding Certain Rows After Pulling Data (Advanced)

5.3 Lab Create: Building jDropdowns

Concepts : • Building a jDropdown Menu to Expedite Filtering Report Data

5.4 Lab Create: Special Column Definitions

Concepts : • Adding a Pop-up Comment to a Cell • Adding a Hyperlink to Cell Data • Adding a Dropdown Validation Menu to a Cell • Stacking Multiple Attributes to a Cell

5.5 Lab Create: Using the Retain Feature

Concepts : • How to Retain Formulas After Pulling Data

Lab 6 : Special Features

In this lab you will learn certain features that highlight key areas that can help in special situations.

6.1 Lab Create: Working with Pivot Tables

Concepts : • Building a Pivot Table to Customize a Report

6.2 Lab Create: Protecting Sheets

Concepts : • Adding Protection to a Sheets • Adding Protection to Multiple Sheets • Grouping and Ungrouping Columns

6.3 Lab Create: Using Report Macro

Concepts : • Creating a Report Macro

6.4 Lab Create: Interject Run On Open

Concepts : • How to Enable Interject to Pull Data Upon Opening a Report

Lab 7 : Exporting Data

This lab will focus on how to export a report once it is completed and utilizing Interject's distribution feature.

7.1 Lab Export: Quick Export and PDF

Concepts : • How to Export a Report to a New Workbook • How to Export a Report to a New PDF

7.2 Lab Export: Basic Distribution

Concepts : • Setting up a Distribution Report • Distributing a Report to New Workbook • Distributing a Report to File • Distributing a Report via Email

7.3 Lab Export: Advanced Distribution

Concepts : • Adding Prefixes and Suffixes to the Distributed Report • Adding Keywords for Generated Report Tabs • Distributing to Mulitple Sheets • Distributing to Multiple Workbooks • Distributing Without Pulling Data • Grouping Segments