Interject Roles

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At the bottom of the User Profile page are the roles you currently have assigned to your profile. There are a number of roles to choose from including custom roles. Roles can stack, meaning each role adds the associated permissions to the user.

You can add roles by selecting the role name from the drop down list. Then click Add New Role to add the role to the user's profile. Remove roles by clicking the small garbage 🗑 icon for each role.

Note: Changes will take place on the next successful login from the user.

Standard Role

Permission Location Docs
View and open live reports in the Report Library Report Library Learn more
Upload reports to the MyFavorites folder in the Report Library (Test and Dev status only) Report Library Learn more
Override data connection in jDataPortal Report Formulas Learn more

Approver Role

Permission Location Docs
Change report status Report Library Learn more

Editor Role

Permission Location Docs
Upload reports to the Report Library (Test and Dev status only) Report Library Learn more
Edit report details in the Report Library Report Library Learn more
Override Data Portal command in jDataPortal Report Formulas Learn more
Create, Update, Delete, Clone, and Enabled/Disable Data Portals Portal Site Learn more
Create, Update, and Delete Data Portal parameters Portal Site Learn more

Corporate Role

Permission Location Docs
Corporate abilities and access to any restricted Corporate folders Report Library Coming soon

Protector Role

Permission Location Docs
Use the Interject Sheet Protector to protect and unprotect sheets or workbooks Sheet Protector Learn more

CustomItems Role

Permission Location Docs
Execute items (non-scheduled) in Custom Commands Custom Commands Learn more

SchedulerAdmin Role

Permission Location Docs
Full control of the scheduled items in Custom Commands Custom Commands Learn more

ClientAdmin Role

Permission Location Docs
View and open reports in the Report Library Report Library Learn more
Upload reports to the Report Library Report Library Learn more
Edit report details in the Report Library Report Library Learn more
Override data connection in jDataPortal Report Formulas Learn more
Download file whose checksum did not match original checksum Report Library Learn more
Override Data Portal command in jDataPortal Report Formulas Learn more
Use the Interject Sheet Protector to protect and unprotect sheets or workbooks Sheet Protector Learn more
Execute items in Custom Commands Custom Commands Learn more
Full control of the scheduled items in Custom Commands Custom Commands Learn more
Create, Update, Delete, Clone, and Enabled/Disable Data Portals Portal Site Learn more
Create, Update, and Delete Data Portal parameters Portal Site Learn more
Create password reset emails with password reset link Portal Site Learn more
View Staff Page and Add, Edit, Delete, and Activate/Deactivate users Portal Site Learn more
Force refresh of cache data for all users Diagnostics Learn more
Set application data source Diagnostics Learn more
Set Enterprise Connection Diagnostics Learn more
Launch the License Management Form Diagnostics Learn more