Interject Shortkey Index

Estimated reading time: 11 minutes


Interject provides ways to increase productivity and work flow by utilizing shortkeys to quickly perform Interject actions. These shortkeys are adaptable and customize-able and are a staple to being efficient when using Interject functions. Any shortkey listed here can be changed and set to different keystrokes. However, there is a limitation on available keystrokes to change the shortkeys to.

Default Shortkey Index

Ctrl-L                         Login to Interject
Note: This is used to help initialize the login before any automation is done with VBA (rarely used)
Report Library  
Ctrl-Shift-L Open the Report Library                                                                                      
Ctrl-Shift-J Open the pull data form
Ctrl-Shift-J, S Open the pull data form and pull data based on current form only.
Ctrl-Shift-J, T Open the pull data form and pull the entire sheet
Ctrl-Shift-J, W Open the pull data form and pull the entire workbook
Ctrl-Shift-J, C Open the pull data form and clear the data
Ctrl-Shift-U Open the save data form
Ctrl-Shift-U, S Open the save data form and save data based on current form only.    
Ctrl-Shift-U, T Open the save data form and save the entire sheet
Ctrl-Shift-U, W Open the save data form and save the entire workbook
Ctrl-Shift-U, C Open the save data form and clear the save data notes
Ctrl-Shift-K Drill on selected data row                                                      
Ctrl-Shift-B Navigate back from a drill
Report Builder  
Ctrl-Shift-H Open the Interject Report Builder Form.                                                        
Quick Tools  
Ctrl-Shift-T Open the Interject Quick Tools.                                                 
Ctrl-Shift-D Open the Interject Diagnostic tool.                                         
Ctrl-Shift-E Open the Quick Export Tool for the distribution center.

Default Commands & Shortkey Index

The following lists the commands that are assignable to a shortkey and the default shortkey assigned:

Command Shortkey
DoLogin Ctrl-L
PullData Ctrl-Shift-J
SaveData Ctrl-Shift-U
DrillOnData Ctrl-Shift-K
ReportLibrary Ctrl-Shift-L
ReportHelper Ctrl-Shift-H
QuickTools Ctrl-Shift-T
NavigateBack Ctrl-Shift-B
Diagnostics Ctrl-Shift-D
Distribution Ctrl-Shift-E

Available Shortkeys

The following are available shortkeys by default:

  • Ctrl-Shift-C
  • Ctrl-Shift-V
  • Ctrl-Shift-R
  • Ctrl-Shift-Y
  • Ctrl-Shift-A
  • Ctrl-Shift-Z
  • Ctrl-Shift-Q
  • Ctrl-Shift-W
  • Ctrl-Shift-M
  • Ctrl-Shift-N
  • Ctrl-Shift-I
  • Ctrl-T

Overriding Shortkeys Using Diagnostics

Interject provides an easy way to override shortkeys using the Interject Diagnostics menu. This method is preferable over changing settings files. For a detailed explanation, see Diagnostics-ShortKey.

Overriding Shortkeys for Individual Installs

Step 1: Open a new Excel Workbook, login to Interject and select the Advanced Menu menu to expand the Interject Ribbon to show the Advanced Menu. Then navigate to the Interject Diagnostic Tool .

Step 2: Select the Open User Folders option. Select Execute Selected Action.

Step 3: Two file folders will be opened, look in the folder named "Settings".

Step 4: Select the file IdsSettings.xml right click the file then open it with a text editor of your choice.

Step 5: Paste this code into the <Global></Global> xml container.

Expand Soure


Step 6: Choose a Command from the available list of commands and an available Keystroke from the list of available keystrokes and paste the code below into the <Global></Global> xml container.

Expand source


Step 7: In your text editor replace Keystroke with your chosen keystroke from the list and replace Command with your chosen command.

Step 8: Save the text editor and close it, then restart Excel and your new shortkey setting will be functional.

Overriding Shortkeys In a Shared Enterprise Environment

Step 1: Go to the folder located at C:\Program Files (x86)\Interject

Step 2: Open App.Config with a text editor.

Step 3: If it is not already there, paste this code into the <appSettings></appSettings> xml container.

Expand source

Step 4: Now paste in this code into the <appSettings></appSettings> xml container.

Expand source

Step 5: Then, with your chosen Keystroke and Command replace it in the code within the editor

Step 6: Now save your text editor and open excel and the shortkey will now work.

Note: To edit shortkeys on an enterprise level, administrative rights for the environment are required.