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Function Summary

The ReportRange function pulls data from a data source and inserts it into a single range within a spreadsheet. Receives a list of columns for input that will be pulled from the data source. Only data that is mapped to these column names will be inserted. Data returned by this function can be filtered, formatted, and customized for a specific desired data set.

For an example of this function, see  Lab Create: Customer Aging.

Function Arguments

Type String/jDataPortal()
Constraints Max 255 char
If Blank Function Error

Type Range
Constraints Min 2 rows. Must match the width of the range defined in ColDefRange
If Blank No data inserted

Type Range
Constraints Max 500 columns. Must match the width of the range defined in TargetDataRange
If Blank Uses all columns from the data source

Type Range
Constraints Must match the range dimensions defined in ColDefRange
If Blank Uses the formatting in the first row defined in TargetDataRange

Type Param()
Constraints The values must match the order of the parameters in the data source (The order can be verified using the [Validation Report](/wTroubleshoot/Reports.html#validation-report-for-pullsave-events) )
If Blank Data is not filtered

Type Boolean
If Blank False

Type Boolean
If Blank False

Type String/jCombine()/jCombine_If()
Constraints Max 255 char
If Blank All data within the TargetDataRange is cleared on a clear action

Type Boolean
If Blank False

Type Boolean
If Blank False

Excel Formula Bar Example


Function Composition

Argument Name Example Mapping Explanation
Function Name =ReportRange() The name of this function.
DataPortal "NorthwindCustomers" This function will use the "NorthwindCustomers" Data Portal for the data source.
TargetDataRange B14:H15 Data will be inserted starting at row 14 and only extend from column B to column H.
ColDefRange B2:H2 The column names specified in B2:H2 will determine which data fields are returned from the data source.
FormatRange B4:H4 The formatting used in this range will be used as a template for the inserted data.
Parameters Param(C7,C8,C9) Cells C7, C8, and C9 will correspond to the parameters in the data source to filter the inserted data.
UseEntireRow FALSE Interject will insert a range into the sheet and will not insert full rows.
PutFieldNamesAtTop FALSE The inserted data will not contain a row of the column names above the data.
RetainRowColumns "" Left blank to indicate not to retain any data in the TargetDataRange (B14:H15).
InsertNewRowsWithin FALSE This value is automatically set to false since RetainRowColumns is blank.
UseTopSpacerRow FALSE Data will be inserted on the first row (14) defined in TargetDataRange.

Embeddable Helper Functions