Installing - Shared Computer

Estimated reading time: 6 minutes


Shared Computer installation installs a multi-user instance of Interject on one computer, such as a shared server. Since Interject's Addin Manager is used to manage independent settings for multiple users, this installation is dependant on the Addin Manager. In order to run Per-Computer installation, you must have administrative-elevated rights.

Installing Interject on Multi-User Systems

Step 1: Log in to the Interject website portal. If you do not have an account you can request one here.

Step 2: Once logged in, go to the download page.

Step 3: Click View other installers. (For detailed information, see Download Interject).

Step 4: Click the Zip File for IT Admins Multiple-Users option. (Admin privileges are required for this install.)

Step 5: When the download is complete, extract the zip file.

Step 6: Determine your Destination folder.

Step 7: Confirm your destination folder.

Step 8: Navigate back to your extracted zip folder and run the InterjectSetup_Production_40Standard[version].exe file as an Administrator.

Step 9: Select Next when the Interject Excel Add-In Setup Wizard launches.

Step 10: Read and accept the End-User License Agreement and select Next.

Step 11: Two options will be available when installing on Windows Server.

  1. Install as 'per-user' (current user)
  2. Install as 'per-machine' (everybody)

To install for everybody on the server, make sure the Everybody button is selected then click Next.

Note: Other Install features are available. For instructions on advanced installs, click on the readme located in the ZIP file or refer to the text file in the dropdown below.

--------------- Advanced Installation by the Command Line --------------
The installer can be run silently from the command line by targeting the InterjectSetup_Production_40_Standard_[version].exe file. This will install as 'per-machine':
-Run the Command Prompt as administrator.
-Update the path so it targets the .exe file.
 C:\[Path_To_Exe]\InterjectSetup_Production_40_Standard_[version].exe /i // /qn ALLUSERS=1

/i = install -or- /x = uninstall
/qn = quiet mode
// = Used by Advanced Installers .exe file to automatically replace with <path_to_msi>.
ALLUSERS = installs as 'per-machine' when set to 1. set to 0 to install as 'per-user'

to uninstall use a similar command with /x: (point to the .exe file of the current installation)
 C:\[Path_To_Exe]\InterjectSetup_Production_40_Standard_[version].exe /x // /qn ALLUSERS=1

--------------- Installation Logs --------------------------
Advanced Installer is the technology used to create the installer.
To see the install log (generated by the Advanced Installer InterjectSetup_Production_40_Standard_[version].exe), run the install command with an additional parameter /L* from the command line:
(update the path to the exe and also where to save the install log)
 C:\[Path_To_Exe]\InterjectSetup_Production_40_Standard_[version].exe /i // /qn /L* "C:\[Path_To_Exe]\install.log" <!--should the second "path_to_exe" bracket be "path_to_save" or something like that?-->

Add-In-Express is the technology used to register the application as an Excel Addin
To see the Add-In-Express install log, go to this file: (update the path for the current user)
 or here (for per-machine install):
 C:\Program Files (x86)\Interject\adxregistrator.log

Step 12: Select the desired install location by clicking Browse…. By default a folder will be made inside the Programs (x86) folder.

Hit Next once the location is selected.

Step 13: Click Install to begin the install process.

Step 14: Click Finish once the setup wizard tells you the installation is complete.

Click here for login information

If you run into any issues, email us at

File Locations

The following are the file locations for Interject for a Windows Server install:

  • Application: C:\Program Files (x86)\Interject\
  • File Cache: AppData\local\Interject
  • Config & Auth: AppData\roaming\Interject