
Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Function Summary

The ReportCalc function executes a calculation of formulas in a worksheet or workbook when triggered upon a designated event.

Note: The latest version of the Interject Add-In will automatically perform a recalculation on the workbook whenever the pull, save, or drill window is displayed.

For an example of this function, see Lab Create: Hiding Rows & Columns.

Function Arguments

Type String
Constraints "pull", "save", "both"
If Blank Function Error

Type String
Constraints "clear", "run", "both"
If Blank Function Error

Type String
Constraints "sheet", "workbook"
If Blank Function Error

Type String
Constraints Max 255 char
If Blank Will run calculations on current sheet

Type Boolean
If Blank False

Excel Formula Bar Example


Function Composition

Argument Name Example Mapping Explanation
Function Name =ReportCalc() The name of this function.
OnPullSaveOrBoth "Both" A pull or save action are designated as the run event.
OnClearRunOrBoth "Both" A clear event or run event (defined in OnPullSaveOrBoth) will trigger this function being ran.
SheetOrWorkbook "Sheet" A calculation of the sheet will be performed.
SheetName   Blank to indicate to perform the calculation on the current sheet.
Disable   Blank to indicate to enable this function.

Trigger Combination List

The execution of this function is determined by a combination of an Interject action and an Interject event. An action is a pull or save action whereas an event is a clear or run event. The values in the OnPullSaveOrBoth and OnClearRunOrBoth arguments will determine what actions/events trigger the function's execution.

Trigger Combo OnPullSaveOrBoth OnClearRunOrBoth Event Function Executes On
1 Pull Clear Pull-Clear
2 Save Clear Save-Clear
3 Both Clear Pull-Clear, Save-Clear
4 Pull Run Pull-Run
5 Save Run Save-Run
6 Both Run Pull-Run, Save-Run
7 Pull Both Pull-Run, Pull-Clear
8 Save Both Save-Run, Save-Clear
9 Both Both Pull-Run, Pull-Clear, Save-Run, Save-Clear